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The Perfect Booking Solution>special_features->hotel
Trusted Client Booking Software>trusted_clients->hotel
1+ Millions
Bookings per year
Countries worldwide
Supported languages
Years of experience
Flexible Pricing>pricelist_options->hotel
Free Plan/Package
Room / Monthly + VAT
Plus Package
Room / Monthly + VAT
Enterprise Plan
Request a quote
Rooms 10+
Easy-to-use Management Software>management_features->hotel
Convenient Booking Management>admin_booking_features->hotel
Mobile Management App>management_app->hotel
Feature-Rich Booking>client_booking_features->hotel
Online Booking Options>client_booking_options->hotel
Client Mobile App>client_app->hotel
Automated Booking Notifications>notifications_features->hotel
Dynamic Pricing>pricing_features->hotel
Convenient Payment Options>payment_features->hotel
Data-Driven Analytics>analytics_features->hotel
Frequently Asked Questions>faq->hotel
What is a hotel reservation system?The hotel reservation system allows customers to conveniently and quickly book accommodations via the Internet.
What are the benefits of hotel booking software?Hotel reservation software gives its customers 24/7 access, seamless reservation management and automatic scheduling, thereby increasing customer satisfaction.
How much does a hotel reservation system cost?The pricing of the hotel reservation system is reasonable with a wide range of features. You can check the pricing on our website. Click to open link
How to create a hotel reservation system?To set up your hotel reservation system, sign up for an account and follow our step-by-step instructions, including video tutorials. Click to open link
Can I add a hotel reservation system to my site?Yes, you can integrate a hotel reservation system into any website, including the WordPress platform, as shown in our video tutorial.
- Booking system for WordPress websites
- Booking system integration tutorial for WordPress: Watch video
Can I customize my hotel booking page?Absolutely! Customize your hotel booking page by adding branding elements such as logos and colors, and set up pricing and availability rules.
How can I accept payments through my hotel reservation system?Our hotel booking software is compatible with leading payment systems, allowing you to set up payment methods and receive payments directly from the booking page.
How can I manage reservations and availability using the hotel reservation system?Our hotel booking system provides admins with dashboards to track bookings, availability and schedules, and manage appointments and staff availability.
Can I send automatic reminders to hotel customers?Yes, our hotel reservation system supports automatic reminders via email, SMS, and in-app notifications, offering customizable reminder intervals and content.
Does the hotel reservation system also have a mobile app?Yes, our hotel reservation system has a free and handy mobile app for both managers and customers.
Why is Booklux the best choice for your hotel?Booklux is an all-in-one accommodation booking software that facilitates booking management and customer communication, providing valuable insight and increasing customer satisfaction. Learn more here: Click to open link
Tourism service booking system
Restaurant Table Booking System
Cultural Institution Booking System
24/7 Customer Support>chat_support->hotel