Room booking system

Testing the Booklux room rental booking system is quick and easy.

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Room booking system

The Perfect Booking Solution

Booklux offers integrated and user-friendly solutions that optimize the management of your space rental services.

campaign Periodical Special Pricing
calendar_view_week Hourly/Daily Bookings
credit_card Online Payments
add Show all

Trusted Client Booking Software

Trusted space booking platform. A single solution for diverse needs. The solution of choice among top players from various rental sectors.

1+ Millions

Bookings per year


Countries worldwide


Supported languages


Years of experience

Flexible Pricing

Our pricing strategy is transparent and flexible, giving you the opportunity to start small and expand features and packages as your business grows and needs grow.

Free Plan/Package


Object for rent / Monthly + VAT

Start free

check Unlimited Data
check Booking Management Calendar
check Recurring Bookings
check Flexible Schedules
check Users and Roles
check Mobile Management App

Plus Package


Object for rent / Monthly + VAT

Try for free

check Free Plan/Package
check Data-Driven Statistics
check Online Booking Options
check Client Mobile App
check Automated Booking Notifications
check Custom Notifications
check Transaction Management
check 25+ Languages

Enterprise Plan

Request a quote

Objects for rent 10+

Contact us

If your business has more than 10 employees/resources to book time for, or you have specific business needs, please contact us to discuss the best solutions and possible discounts. Our system offers full functionality and extensive customization options to create a comprehensive booking solution that grows with your business. Discounts are available for larger service providers.

Easy-to-use Management Software

The Booklux room booking platform simplifies the management of rooms, schedules, and resources by allowing you to configure access, booking management, and notifications according to user roles.

date_range Booking Management Calendar
event_note Flexible Schedules
manage_accounts Users and Roles
add Show all

Convenient Booking Management

The Booklux booking system provides complete control and overview of reservations, allowing you to send notifications online and in the mobile app, track reservation history, view activity logs, and create recurring and group reservations.

screenshot_monitor Great Overview
notifications_active Instant Notifications
group Group Bookings
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Mobile Management App

The downloadable Booklux mobile application allows you to conveniently manage your space rental business anywhere, anytime.

Feature-Rich Booking

Booklux booking software offers tools for flexible setting of booking rules and use of versatile booking options.

palette Customizable Colors
globe 25+ Languages
event_available Booking Confirmation
calendar_clock Booking Time Limit
free_cancellation Cancellation Rules
date_range Booking Schedule Scope
table_view Client Views
timelapse Service Duration Customization
how_to_reg Registration Requirements
add Show all

Online Booking Options

Share your special booking link, download a QR code, or add a booking button and view to your website.

share Share on Social Media
arrow_outward Share Booking Link
developer_mode_tv Add to Website
add Show all

Client Mobile App

The Booklux client app is free, offering your clients convenience and speed. Clients can save their contact details and book appointments with just a few clicks. The app clearly displays all upcoming bookings and sends a reminder 24 hours before the service.

Automated Booking Notifications

Booklux booking software allows you to fully customize notifications. You can choose whether and when to activate email or SMS notifications, set the times they are sent, and customize the content based on location.

mark_email_read Booking Confirmations
reviews Feedback Emails
mark_chat_unread Reminders
add Show all

Dynamic Pricing

Booklux booking software offers versatile options for adjusting room rental prices.

campaign Periodical Special Pricing
price_change Resource/Employee Special Pricing
sell Special Prices
add Show all

Convenient Payment Options

The Booklux booking platform allows you to activate online payments to confirm reservations, create automatic invoices, track cash transactions, and integrate with accounting programs.

credit_card Online Payments
receipt_long Automated Invoicing
point_of_sale Transaction Management
add Show all

Data-Driven Analytics

Booklux booking software gives you in-depth business analytics, allows you to export data, and integrates with popular web analytics tools such as Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and Facebook Pixel.

file_save Data Export
query_stats Web Analytics Integrations
waterfall_chart Data-Driven Statistics
add Show all

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to frequently asked questions - find quick and easy answers.

  • What is a room rental booking system?
    A space rental booking platform is a digital solution that allows customers to conveniently book spaces online. This booking system increases the efficiency and smoothness of rental service providers by offering customers the opportunity to make reservations at their leisure and from anywhere, using automatic confirmations and reminders that enhance the customer experience and reduce the administrative burden.
  • What benefits does room rental booking software offer?
    The main benefits of room rental booking software include 24/7 booking capabilities, which allow clients to see real-time room availability. This significantly reduces administrative burden, ensures seamless booking management and automatic scheduling. Booking confirmations and reminders are also sent automatically, which in turn improves the customer experience. Booklux also allows for group bookings with a limited number of participants, varied pricing, instant online payments upon booking confirmation, automatic invoices, creation of customer memberships, and the use of various customer cards, such as period and order cards. As an added bonus, there are many automation and integration options that optimize business processes and reduce administrative workload.
  • How much does a room rental booking solution cost?
    The cost of the room rental booking system depends on the selected package and its functionality. The basic price list of the booking software and the content of the packages are available on the price list page of our website. We have created various packages aimed at companies of different sizes and needs. Moreover, it is possible to upgrade or change the packages according to your needs. A free trial period or an entry-level package gives you the opportunity to get to know our solution before purchasing. You only have to pay if you decide to continue using our services after the trial period. Our terms and conditions are clear and user-friendly, and additional services and functions can always be activated to optimize and automate work processes according to the growth of the company and changing needs. Click to open link
  • How can I set up room rental booking software?
    Setting up the room rental booking system is quick and user-friendly. To get started, register on our website and follow the on-screen instructions. Throughout the setup process, you can ask for help from our 24/7 customer support AI assistant or account manager in the chat window. We also offer video tutorials that explain the operations in detail. These steps are important to understand how the system works and speed up the process of getting used to using it. In addition, a free trial period is available to you, allowing you to get acquainted with the system on your own and at your own pace. Once you have created an account, you can also contact technical support for more information on more specific questions and settings. Click to open link
  • Can I integrate a room rental booking system into my website?
    Yes, the room rental booking system can be integrated with any website. You have the option to add a booking button or view to your website, allowing visitors to make reservations directly and conveniently from your page. We offer several ways to integrate the booking system, including sharing a unique booking link, downloading a booking QR code, or adding a booking button and view. Video tutorials are also available, including one on how to add a room rental booking system to a WordPress site.
    1. Booking system for WordPress websites
    2. Booking system integration tutorial for WordPress: Watch video
  • Can I customize the page of my room rental booking app?
    Yes, our room rental booking system offers extensive customization options. You can personalize the booking page with your brand elements, such as your logo and primary colors. You can choose between different colors for services and resources in the booking window and between different customer views, such as list view and table view, which offer different features according to your needs. You can also change pricing and availability rules. The table view package allows you to set registration requirements when making a booking, create customer accounts, and implement automation solutions. Customization options for the booking calendar also include interval adjustment, full screen mode, menu minimization, resource filter, and view selection from day to month, giving you flexibility in managing your bookings.
  • How can I accept payments through my room rental booking system?
    Our space rental booking system allows customers to make partial or full payments online using a variety of digital payment methods, such as Stripe and Montonio. Upon successful payment, the booking is automatically confirmed. Booklux booking software also allows for automatic check issuance, cash register management, and integration with accounting programs. In the spreadsheet package, you can also activate a Virtual Wallet, which offers a flexible cancellation policy: if a reservation is canceled in a timely manner, customers can use the money they received back to make new reservations, which helps avoid bank chargebacks and fees.
  • How can I manage bookings and availability using room rental booking software?
    Our space rental booking system offers an intuitive management interface through which you can track bookings, availability and schedules. Booklux booking software allows you to configure the duration of meetings and staff availability, giving you full control and overview of your bookings. You can also activate automatic push notifications on both the web-based platform and the mobile app, view booking history, view detailed activity logs and create regular and group bookings. You can also set regular work schedules, create breaks and make exceptions on specific dates. Each user has their own personal account, where they can define which bookings they can manage, which booking notifications they receive and which pages they have access to. Our mobile app, which is downloadable for both Apple and Android devices, allows you to conveniently run your business, even when you are on the go.
  • Can I send automatic reminders to customers through the room rental booking system?
    Yes, our room rental booking system supports automatically generated reminders, which are sent as email, SMS and in-app notifications. The reminder intervals, content and design are fully customizable. Booklux booking software allows you to choose whether and when to activate email or SMS notifications, set their sending times and change their content according to your needs. In addition, the client has the option to download our mobile application Booklux, designed for both Apple and Android devices, which offers a fast and convenient booking experience. The application saves the client's contact details, handles bookings with just a few clicks, clearly displays all upcoming bookings and sends another reminder 24 hours before the service is provided.
  • How can I monitor my bookings and room rental statistics?
    Our space rental booking system offers tools for booking history and analytics that allow you to track booking results, revenue, customer growth, and most popular services. This information can be used to optimize your services, pricing, and marketing strategies. Booklux provides real-time insights into turnover, bookings, and new customer acquisition, and also allows you to integrate the system with web analytics tools such as Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and Facebook Pixel.
  • Why is Booklux the best room rental booking software?
    Booklux is a universal booking software that is perfect for businesses of all sizes and offers a good value for money. This booking system includes booking management, flexible booking rules, diverse pricing, including discount rates and pricing by resources, and periodic pricing according to different times and services. In addition, it offers direct payment that directs customers to confirm and pay for the booking instantly, in addition to a web-based and mobile application that can be used on both Apple and Android devices, a talented analytical overview, and a wide range of integrations and additional features that make the booking process convenient and easy. Learn more here: Click to open link
  • Who is Booklux's room rental booking software suitable for?
    Booklux booking software is ideal for all space rental service providers who need a time-based or resource-based booking solution and want to manage their schedule flexibly. The system allows you to expand your space rental business by adding an unlimited number of locations, resources, services, bookings and clients. The table view package allows you to set registration requirements when making a booking, create accounts for clients and use automation solutions. It also allows you to set up service bookings on an hourly or daily basis, taking into account the specifics of the service.

24/7 Customer Support

Our 24/7 online support team, supported by both AI assistants and human operations, provides quick answers to general questions. For higher-level and more detailed inquiries, we offer email support.

24/7 chat support

Free Trial

Get started with Booklux in just a few minutes and enjoy our fully-featured room booking system for 30 days free.

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4.8 (1708 Total ratings)


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